
The Sycharwell Project is an initiative of Liza Coates [The skipper]. At the time of the re-opening of the Union Canal to navigation in 1999 she was a Lay Assistant at St Mary’s, Dalmhoy Scottish Episcopal Church near Ratho. She realised the potential for spiritual refreshment in the context of the water and wildlife on the canal. In the year 2000 she brought a narrowboat from Nantwich to the Union Canal in order to develop this opportunity. As a member of the Third Order of the Society of St Francis she has found delight in being able to use the narrowboat as a place of prayer and as a temporary hermitage for quiet time alone. But also she is pleased to be able to share the blessings of this space with others in need of rest and refreshment, or seeking conversation and encounter with other people who have different spiritual experiences.

1 Response to About

  1. David Balfour says:

    Dear Liza,
    I am very interested in the Sycharwell project. My husband and I are both Episcopal priests living in the Rectory at Keith, Moray. We came from new Zealand 9 years ago and before settling down, we bought and lived on a narrow boat for 2 years. During that time we travelled the canals in the north of England. I am a part time hermit taking time out for a week at a time about twice a year and am wondering how this would fit in with what you have in mind. Would it be possible to spend some time alone on the boat?
    Our phone number is 01542 882 782 if you prefer to speak rather than email.
    I look forward to hearing from you. Easter blessings, Loma Balfour

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